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Cluster Troubleshooting

Couldn't get current server API group list

If you encounter the error message,

$ kubectl get nodes 

E0526 10:52:08.347681   96830 memcache.go:265] 
couldn't get current server 
API group list: Get "http://localhost:8080/api?timeout=32s": 
dial tcp connect: connection refused

It indicates that kubectl is unable to connect to the Kubernetes API server.

This issue can occur if you are running kubectl from a node that doesn't have the proper kubeconfig file or if the API server is not accessible.

For example, if you have configured the kubecofig file in the controlplane node, always run kubectl commands from the controlplane node.

The kubeconfig file contains the necessary configuration information for kubectl to connect to the Kubernetes API server.

By default, kubectl looks for the kubeconfig file in the $HOME/.kube/config directory.