Kubernetes Bin Packing Strategies
First lest understand what is bin packing.
In simple terms, bin packing is a way of arranging items so that you use the least number of containers (or bins) possible.
Imagine you have a bunch of items of different sizes and you need to pack them into boxes. Bin packing is about figuring out the best way to put those items into the boxes so that you use as few boxes as possible.
Here’s a basic example:
- You have 10 items of different sizes and you want to pack them into boxes.
- If you put the largest items in the boxes first and then fill the remaining space with smaller items, you might find you can fit everything into fewer boxes.
In computing and Kubernetes, bin packing works similarly but with resources.
It means trying to use the available resources on each server or node as efficiently as possible, packing as many workloads as you can onto each node to minimize the number of nodes needed.
NodeResourcesFit Scheduling Plugin
As we learned in the scheduler section, the scheduler performs a filtering operation to determine if a node has enough resources to accommodate a pod.
The NodeResourcesFit
plugin is part of the Kubernetes scheduler framework. Its primary function is to check if a node has sufficient resources to meet a pod's resource requests.
For scoring, the NodeResourcesFit
plugin can be configured to use any of the following scoring strategies:
- LeastAllocated (default strategy)
- MostAllocated
- RequestedToCapacityRatio
Lets understand each one in detail.

LeastAllocated Strategy
It is the default scoring policy used by the NodeResourcesFit
This strategy aims to spread out the workload evenly across nodes to prevent any single node from being overloaded. It prefers nodes with the least amount of already used resources (sparse distribution of pods).
Unlike bin packing, which tries to put as many workloads as possible onto fewer nodes, LeastAllocated
focuses on spreading out the workloads.
It means the LeastAllocated
does notspecifically aim to maximize the utilization of cluster nodes
To achieve maximum resource utilization in the default strategy, you need to follow a combination of deployment strategies (although it doest guarantee any bin packing).
For example,
- Set Resource Requests and Limits: Define how much CPU and memory each pod needs.
- Use Node Affinity and Anti-Affinity: Control where pods can be placed based on node labels.
- Apply Taints and Tolerations: Manage which pods can run on which nodes.
- Pod Topology Spread Constraints: Ensure that pods are distributed across nodes in a balanced way.
MostAllocated Strategy (Bin Packing)
The MostAllocated
strategy is used to choose nodes that already have the most resources used.
When a new pod is created, the scheduler will pick a node that is already using more resources but still has enough available resources for the new pod. This approach helps improve the overall resource use in the cluster over time.
As this is not the default strategy, you need to modify the scheduler configuration to enable this policy.
For example.
apiVersion: kubescheduler.config.k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: KubeSchedulerConfiguration
- schedulerName: default-scheduler
- name: MostAllocated
Note: When it comes to managed Kubernetes clusters like EKS, you cannot modify the policy. To enable this in managed clusters, you will have to create custom schedulers with the MostAllocated scoring policy.
RequestedToCapacityRatio Strategy (Bin Packing)
RequestedToCapacityRatio is a way for Kubernetes to decide which node ( is best for a new pod based on how well the node's resources match the pod's needs.
Imagine you have a node with 10 CPUs and a pod that needs 2 CPUs. The RequestedToCapacityRatio
strategy looks at how well the requested 2 CPUs fit with the node’s 10 CPUs.
This strategy scores each node based on
- How much of the node’s resources are already used (most allocated).
- Nodes that are more heavily used but still have enough resources available for the new pod may get a higher score.
This policy favors nodes with higher resource utilization, meaning it prefers nodes that are already using a lot of their available resources but still have enough left for the new pod. This approach helps in bin packing
Also, you can give different importance (weights) to different resources like CPUs and memory. For example, you might decide that CPUs are more important than memory for a particular pod.
Here is an example scheduler configuration for RequestedToCapacityRatio
apiVersion: kubescheduler.config.k8s.io/v1
kind: KubeSchedulerConfiguration
- pluginConfig:
- args:
- name: gpu # Resource type for GPUs
weight: 3 # Importance of GPUs
- name: ssd # Resource type for SSDs
weight: 3 # Importance of SSDs
- utilization: 0
score: 0 # Score for no usage
- utilization: 100
score: 10 # Score for full usage
type: RequestedToCapacityRatio
name: NodeResourcesFit
Lets look at a real world example.
Imagine you have a machine learning cluster where each node has GPUs and SSDs, and you want to deploy a new model.
Here’s how the scheduler configuration works in simple terms
- GPU: Critical for training your model, so it's given a high weight (3).
- SSD: Important for fast data access, also given a high weight (3).
The scheduler checks each node based on how well its current GPU and SSD usage fits the new model’s needs.
- If a node is not using GPUs or SSDs (0% utilization), it gets a low score (0).
- If a node is fully using its GPUs and SSDs (100% utilization), it gets a high score (10).
The scheduler prefers nodes that have a good balance between their resource usage and what the model needs.
For Example:
- Node A: Has 4 GPUs and 2 SSDs, currently using 2 GPUs and 1 SSD. It might get a moderate score because it’s somewhat used.
- Node B: Has 8 GPUs and 4 SSDs, currently using 7 GPUs and 3 SSDs. It might get a higher score if its resource usage is well-aligned with the model’s needs.
As this policy favours nodes with maximum reource utlization, it supports bin packing of pods.